Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Iraq War Blues

The following is a song I wrote last year about the war in Iraq, which will never end. I just dug it up and thought I'd share it. It is obviously influenced by Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, and Johnny Cash.

The Iraq War Blues
A couple of years ago
and a few days before
someone got the idea to go to war
freedom for these men
by killin' some of those men
who do we kill first?
women and children

All these bombs flyin' through the air
some of 'em goin' to we don't know where
all because he hate me
who? I don't know
why? I ain't sure
shock and awe 'em
that'll be the cure

We'll send our boys over to here and there
to fight an enemy that's everywhere
Iraqis, Afghanis,
Shi'ite..I don't know
mission accomplished
let's take it real slow
people are dyin'
but our way's the way to go

Fahrenheit nine one one
everybody grab a gun
and some duct tape
and a can opener
code yellow
code orange
code red
get it through your head
a Dick and a Bush are callin' the shots
We're in good hands
like Allstate

We'll they're doin' it now
and they'll do it again
the fleecing of America
plucking from our mother hen
so send some more of our boys over
and send some bodybags back
just don't take pictures of their coffins

I'm gettin' tired now
I'm gonna not vote
I love my country

copyright 2005-2006 Jim Varagona

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Blogger Sun St. Louis Editorial Board said...

I'd really like to hear that song sung because even though I am exceptionally witty and charming, I'm still quite certain, very certain in fact, that I am absotively posolutely missing some innuendo's and verbal emotional cues that would shed total light upon a really sadly funny note or two. Plus I'd love to write the harmony.

Friday, July 14, 2006 5:16:00 PM  
Blogger Sun St. Louis Editorial Board said...

The last war that I can think of where there was a real moral high ground and we were on it, has to be WWII. I have this attache to explain the current problems we face in the Iraq war now, and with war in general. The thing is see, we lost any moral high ground we might have had when our idiot fearless leader lied about WMD to get the whole thing started. The person or persons, nation or nations on the real moral high ground is always determined after the war is over. The victor has the high ground and he can then declare his actions moral and there is no-one strong enough to object for the sake of history. However as you might expect, in war there really is no moral high ground. Morality or any such similar code of ethics would require that anyone who pretended to be acting 'morally' would most certainly not be partaking in any kind of killing. The moral high ground is always the non-violent method in my humble opinion. Here's to Ghandi!

Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:51:00 PM  

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