Friday, June 16, 2006

Buy a Badonkadonk

Times are a bit too busy for blogging, what with the being married and servicing so much retail, but I'm trying my best to put finger to the key.

Anyway, I was bored and browsing Amazon earlier today. It's amazing what folks get away with, but still very amusing.
Check out this tank someone's selling. A real Badonkadonk tank for $20K, or is it?! I really enjoyed the comments below the description.

You too can find bizzare items for sale (?) on Amazon, like this
inflatable party sheep. I wonder how many usable orifices it has, or if that's the kind of gag sheep it is.

A nice throwback item is the
family size pack of stink bombs. There's nothing better than strategically placing those around the office or at school. I never did it though, because I was poultry dung as a child.

Glancing at some of these items led me to
this Amazon user's guide, which has links to more listings that got through the cracks, like pennies and nickels from 2003. He also lists my favorite real item, Anti-Monkey Butt Powder.

Feel free to comment with more links if you find them.



Blogger Sun St. Louis Editorial Board said...

Proper grammar and spelling aside, I need to order me up three or four of those badonkadonks cuz my bootylicious just ain't puttin' out like she used to any more. If I pay cash, can you have them here by Friday?

Happy Independence From Work and England Day Diabetoboy!

May your supply of Badonkadonks be as plentiful as the many loaves of Jesus Christos!

Monday, July 03, 2006 12:07:00 PM  

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