Friday, July 07, 2006

Come Out of Your Hole, Michael McGrath

The story that never ends and one of the topics that originally pushed me to blog (see DiabetoBlog #1: McGrath Didn't Molest Me...Thank God) is back again with more predictable, yet insane news. From today's

New lawsuit alleges abuse by often-sued former priest
Robert Patrick

The most-sued former priest in St. Louis was sued again Thursday by a man who says he was abused 30 years ago as an altar boy and student at St. Ferdinand Church in Florissant. The 20th lawsuit against Michael McGrath alleges that he fondled the boy, identified only as "John Doe GJ," at least once on an outing sometime between 1976 and 1978. At the time, McGrath was an associate pastor and teacher, and the boy was 10 or 11 years old, the suit says. The man, now around 40 years old and living in Missouri, did not remember what happened until sometime in the past year, said lawyer Ken Chackes. In a prepared statement, the man said that he felt as if his life had "flat-lined," as if he had been "held back."

The suit says that the St. Louis Archdiocese knew or should have known that McGrath had a "dangerous propensity to abuse children" and that the church should have better supervised McGrath. McGrath was ordained in 1975, removed from public ministry in 1997 and laicized in 2005. He served in parishes and schools in St. Louis, St. Louis County and St. Charles County, the archdiocese said. McGrath's lawyer, J. Martin Hadican, said Thursday morning that he could not comment on the lawsuit's allegations. Archdiocese spokesman Tony Huenneke said that the archdiocese had settled or mediated one complaint and 15 lawsuits against McGrath for a total of $793,600. Huenneke said the archdiocese would not have settled the cases if officials did not believe the accusations to be credible.

This is crazy. So this occurence comes from an accuser that "did not remember what happened until sometime in the past year", which is a bit fishy unless you go for the idea of repressed memories. Still, I think this case bears fruit simply because we are dealing with "The most-sued former priest in St. Louis".

Mike, you got to be happy with the ring of that.

It's good that the Archdiocese believes the accusations to be credible and isn't putting up a defense of lies to protect one of their boys...well, he used to be (McGrath was dismissed from the priesthood in February of last year). I still echo my sentiment from my very first blog by asking "where does the settlement money come from?" The close to $800,000 used simply to "settle" with McGrath's many other accusers had to come from somewhere, and considering the fund raising of the Catholic Church, the whole situation makes me feel uneasy.

Speaking of feeling uneasy, my wife was watching the news with me earlier when we learned of this new development.

Notice what his shirt says ("He Knows When You Are Sleeping").

McGrath's crooked sneer flashed on the screen and she asked me sarcastically, "Are you sure he didn't do anything to you?"

It's only been about 9 years since I've seen that piece of filth, so I think the image of such a traumatic event would be burnt in my mind. I'm sure if I was haunted by such a thing that I would find suitable punishment for the man, besides settling for money from his former employer.

The former molesting priest apparently still resides in Richmond Heights (at 1433 Hawthorne Place), which is in the St. Louis Metropolitan area. I'm surprised no one has tracked him down for an interview, to picket in front of his house, or to drag him out and give him lashings.

And what kind of a man defends these idiots? J. Martin Hadican is no stranger to defending holy sex offenders. I easily found
reference to him defending none other than Bryan Kuchar, the other molesting priest I came in contact with in my life during a year in grade school at St. Joan of Arc in St. Louis, while he was a transitional deacon, basically one step from being a priest. Kuchar was sentenced to 3 years in jail in November of 2003.

It's a shame that the statute of limitations lets McGrath sit back and relax. There should be a provision that states after so many lawsuits for something so dispicable, you can just throw the guy in jail for a while. If he takes issue with that, I welcome him to speak up for himself, instead of hiding behind his attorney's words. Come out of your hole, you inglorious bastard!

UPDATE 6/20/2007: I just watched Deliver Us From Evil, an excellent documentary focusing on a dirty priest. It gives an insightful and disturbing look into the mindset of one of these men.

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