Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Blog of a Married Diabeto--a review of the nuptials and honeymoon

The happy Diabeto's, now in married flavor!

To answer the first question people have naturally been asking me, it feels exactly the same. That's not to say none of what has happened in the last 3 weeks has not been special. The past 5 years have pretty much been a trial marriage with my Russian grandmother, so this is simply the formalizing of it all. Before, we were happy together, like The Turtles' tune, and now we are happily married.

An amazingly flush Diabeto and the Brothers Pinoy

I'd like to thank everyone that shared the occasion with us and those that wished us well. Even the Filipinos and that dirty old man I work with graced us with their presence. Special thanks to the Don for his gift of a set of stainless steel Knorks. We are forever indebted to him.

The ceremony was held at The Jewel Box in Forest Park, here in St. Louis. The weather cooperated and things went swimmingly. Best man Dan Roth managed to keep the rings in his posession until it was time for them to be exchanged. We were so appreciative of this feat achieved by our hippy friend.

At the reception, Dan was a real hit with his speech, during which he quoted Bob Dylan by using his line "How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?" and said I must've walked down my last road. He also said something about my bride and I sailing away into the horizon, which makes me wonder if he got the brown acid. He also did a great rendition of Patsy Cline's "Crazy" with my sister's friend Cara, whcih makes one wonder further (click to watch the video).

My new sister-in-law, Amy, gave a heart wrenching toast, which quoted my first words to her..."I'm bleeding." When I went to pick her older sister up for our first date, she approached me at my vehicle to tell me that if I hurt her sister, she would kick my ass. All I could say was "I'm bleeding," because I just rushed out of the house with a bad shave.

Photos from the wedding and reception will be available for viewing at until 7/27. The event name is VARAGONA and the password is 9478. Enjoy.

My babushka and I went on our honeymoon to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It's great to forget about what time of the day it is, what day of the week it is, and who you are, all without having horribly much to drink. The only drawback is that I get patchy burns in the sun. You'd think my Italian blood would put me more on par with my Pinoy brethren, but my midsection ended up looking more like Gorbachev's head.

We did go parasailing, but have yet to develop the photos. That is probably for the best, considering I was whining like Woody Allen, because the knot didn't look secure and we were over water that I couldn't see through, except for the masses of jellyfish, that I later found out were an order whose sting couldn't hurt humans.

The best part of the honeymoon was that we accidentally went during Bike Week, which happens every Memorial Day weekend. First the Harley boys and girls come through town and take over. We missed them. Then the sport bikers come through, which is mainly made up of young black men. Behind 80% of those men on their bikes, was a large assed black female, with variations of decoration on their buttocks, ranging from fishnet to thong to a lightly draped short skirt. We sure did get a kick out of all of the cottage cheese we got to see. Although I did not get a photo of the real thing, the following t-shirt on sale there, illustrates this amazing sight.

And then it was back to the rat race of the IRS and our new married life. We'll always have those asses though.

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Blogger Sun St. Louis Editorial Board said...

Dedushka E Babushka had a little dip in the HONEYMOON HEAVEN and boy o boy did they LOVE IT!!! Ya LOOBLOO TEBYA DIABETO BOY!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006 3:04:00 AM  

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