Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Angry Rant of a Downsized Diabeto

Since I am angry, there are things I must address. My analyst says it would be healthy and wise.

To my landlady:

The grass is 3 weeks grown again. Tiny little trees are sprouting that
Bob Ross would be proud of--god rest his soul. I refuse to pick up my dog's dung anymore until it is cut, especially considering the insects that now inhabit the wilderness that is the backyard I put rent money towards. They got a healthy lunch in the form of my shins and calves.

In other news, a month and a day after
my nuptials, the Don informs me that a week from yesterday will be my last with the company. The official word is that someone had to be downsized. The unofficial word is that, well, I guess my thoughts on that will wait until I separate from the company.

I did think though, as an observation, that downsizing usually skimmed from the bottom of the totem pole. Considering where I am on the ladder of seniority, that theory certainly wouldn't work here. It makes one wonder who to believe and trust.

Since, being put it this lonely and awkward position by a company I put a good 9 months in for, I have no choice but to dissolve
the Italian Retail Service, including the honorary Pinoy wing. This will take effect immediately.

Now what do I do during my lame duck week with the company? It feels strange putting forth effort for an organization that deemed me unfit, or
too pooped to pop for them. Speaking of that, why is it that it is respectable for employees to give employers two weeks notice, but the employees are not given such respect? Rodney Dangerfield hit the nail on the head with a big ol' Ludell sledgehammer.

Why must business be such a dirty thing? Why must drama and politics infiltrate every aspect of life? I know money has a lot to do with this, because profits are the bottom line. One guy goes, more money is saved. Riddle me this though...what happens to his money while the fat cats add more greenbacks to their bubbly money baths? I'm sure there are plenty more sob stories of those that were spared, but thinking of myself for a moment, I'm trying to start a new life here as a married man, and this is a hell of a fungus ridden foot to start it off on. To continue the analogy, whose gonna be my
BOOM!--Tough Actin' TINACTIN?

Save me John Madden.

This also makes me wonder, what do rich people dream about?
Apparently our President has plenty of time to dream. It must be alot easier in positions of power, in which your decisions have no effect on your place in life, except maybe bringing you closer to all of those virgins in heaven. I only hope that if the virgins exist, that they are packs of angry nuns. And they'll give them physicals too. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Like it was for Corky on Life Goes On,

Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Life Goes On, whoa, la-la-la-la, Life Goes On.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pinoys Rule the World.

I like the part in your blog about waiting for your supervisor to ask his supervisor what ya'll should do about the storm. It reminded me of that movie/book "catch 22."
Have you ever thought of self employment? I have a great idea for a fast food place that sells hamburgers topped with a greasy fried egg (w/yolk slightly broken, whatever they call that). Maybe a slice of watermelon as a side item. I'm sure it'd be like one of those famous eating places that you only hear about on those food network shows where they travel around the country and try to spot things that aren't the same as all the other things.-harry

Saturday, July 22, 2006 7:16:00 AM  

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