Saturday, August 05, 2006

Diabeto the Hermit

I've been laying low as of late. After the power came back on, the DSL at our flat was turned off because we're too poor. We are now attempting to reconnect through Earthlink and leave AT&T hanging. In the meantime, I am mooching off my parents' connection.

I have been working for the past few weeks for one of those publications that helps you sell your vehicles. My job is as a "field photographer", which means I drive around and take pictures of cars. Why this job still exists in the age of the internet and digital cameras, I have no idea, but it pays for now. And I told this to a customer not long ago, that he could simply take the photo on the digital camera he told me he had and upload it to internet that he also confirmed he had, to which he responded, "But this is so damned convenient!"

I called a customer in a location 35 miles from me, most likely
the land of the Lord, to confirm his address, which wasn't showing up on MapQuest (a godsend for this job). To clarify, I was already in his vicinity and calling, figuring that the street name would bring me close enough. The address listed was 1939, but on this particular street the addresses only went up to 959. Trust me I drove around to check. So I call this guy and say I am by 959 so-and-so street and ask where his location is. He tells me again "It's 1939. Wait I'll go outside to check again for ya. (PAUSE) Yep it's real big out here under the sign with the name of the place, the phone number, and the address...1939. You can't miss it."

I ask for landmarks because this just didn't make any sense. He tells me to go back to the main road in town and find a BP and an auto repair joint. I should turn in between the two and it's a block away past some railroad tracks.

I follow his directions. Sure enough there was a BP and an auto repair shop at the beginning of the street I was on, but quite a few blocks back. I drove past the tracks and see the truck I was to shoot. This was the first building on this street with an address of 100. Right away I see his mistake. There was a big sign with the name of the place and its address, and underneath it was written "Since 1939".

I deal with the public for the entertainment value.

My daughter, Sadie, was really sick about a week ago. Whenever she moved, she would yelp. It was sad to watch. She was moping around. Days went by before she ate or drank on her own will. I resorted to giving her water through a syringe...a needleless one. We spent two separate nights at the animal hospital with the vets troubleshooting her. Guesswork costs a lot, especially for us po' folks. She has been on two separate drugs and had x-rays done that showed nothing.

We are pretty sure she has
Aseptic (Sterile) Meningitis, which two of her brothers also have been diagnosed with. Apparently it will flare up from time to time, but can be kept under control with Prednisone. She takes after me with all the diseases and medication.
In February, I blogged about mice in our flat. We caught 9 in a 2 day span, to which our landlady told me that "the key to urban living is to keep a clean place". I bagged 4 of the nine and labeled them for her at the time. She kept them in our basement by her work bench. I decided to lay them to rest today in a dumpster, since they have molded over a few times within their Zip-Loc bags, and she wasn't too concerned about moving them. I took some video which I hope to post soon, when our internet situation improves. In the meantime, check out this other cool mice video.

UPDATE (11/1/06): The disposal of the moldy mice...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a classic story of human idiocy. I suppose he does not receive much mail.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006 12:47:00 AM  

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