Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My High School Breeds More Than Druggies and Slackers

I forgot to mention this over a week ago...Tom Kavanaugh, who went to Bishop DuBourg High School in St. Louis, my alma mater, ended his 9-day reign as Jeopardy! champion on Jan. 10 with a grand total of more than $140,000. He was in my sister's class, which graduated in 1996. They also attended SLU at the same time. It is a general misconception that people that go to DuBourg are druggies and slackers. The fact that the infamous South Side Rapist, Dennis Rabbit, went there for a short period of time, didn't help. That is not to say that those types do not exist there, but they are not the majority either.

Anyway, after a quick search, it's easy to see Kavanaugh's become quite a heartthrob.
Women are insulting other contestants and even calling him "the hottest thing to hit Jeopardy! in an ice age" (which I question the sense that makes).

Apparently Tom divulged on the show that
"his current wife is his ex-girlfriend's best friend. He started dating her to get back at his ex, and it blossomed into marriage." Tom, that's messed up, but very DuBourgian. If you could only pick up a drug habit now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I started dating my wife just because I fell in love with her. Unfortunately she happened to be friends with my ex. To get back at me my ex and her now husband (who also went to DB) have been telling horrible lies about me. I would have to be a monster to date my girlfriend's friend to get back at her.
Thanks for the posting. A friend directed me here and it was a pleasant surprise. To help in your "not all DB grads are druggies and slackers" argument, you could mention that grads Ken Page and Norb Butz are both Broadway actors and Norb won the Tony last year for best actor. By the way, I'm a big slacker and, some would say, a real jackass. Tell Sara I said hello.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Katie R said...

Tom is a heartthrob ... hubba hubba! I've caught him recently on a couple Jeopardy! reruns. The fact that his wife wears Superwoman underwear for good luck means she must be pretty awesome too. Tom -- if you're reading this, post some good pictures of you on the web -- My old boss looks exactly like you and I'm trying to find a good pic to show him and my co-workers. Those fuzzy Jeopardy! pics just ain't cuttin' it.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:54:00 PM  

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