Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Anti-Monkey Butt!

I can't believe it. A new variety of Anti-Monkey Butt! This one combats that nasty friction you get between your thighs and chafes them until you walk like a cowboy or our president.

It also has a sweat absorber powder, which I need 10 minutes into my day because I sweat like I weigh 400 pounds. I also noticed that women have a need for this in terms of boob fooling!

I admit this rant came about because I was checking stats for my blog, and the most searched phrase that leads to my blog is "anti-monkey butt", because of a previous posting. The other search results lead to that boob sweat, people blog about everything.

Anyway pick up some of the new AMBP. You can have discreetly delivered to your door if you'd like.


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