Tuesday, October 25, 2005

As a Service to the Diabetic Community...

I figured from time to time, I should give some Diabeto-related information. I did come across this article recently on a man's "amazing transformation" from a lard ass to a phat stud. It seems like a nice, inspiring load of crap. He does discuss how he feared getting Diabetes from a family history and just being massive. That leads to a link to The Diabetes Detox diet, which seems a lot like the Atkins diet. Carbohydrates are your enemy! Yet the last time I looked into it, it is suggested that 70% of our diets be carbs. This suggests you effectively eliminate carbs for life. I'd rather shed years off my life.

That page links to another page which lists pertinent Diabetes info. plus vitamins and supplements to make things a tad easier. I'll go for that. As long as I can still eat my pasta.


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