Friday, November 04, 2005

Beware of Home Depot

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't be starting things off that way, but it reels you in...right? I especially should watch what I say since I work in Home Depot stores, but not for them. Confusing, eh? Good.

Anyway, a man is suing the store for ignoring his cries for help because he was glued to a toilet seat in their restroom. Personally, I wouldn't answer him either. Chances are if someone is making noises in a restroom, you want to stay clear for various reasons. I'd be afraid of the stench. I mean who would expect to find a guy stuck to the seat?! Now when someone is gone for a long time in the john at the Depot, people won't say, "He/she must've fallen in." It will now be, "He/she must've gotten glued to the seat."

It is frightening really, kind of like how I am still afraid of a woman cutting my penis off because of Lorena Bobbitt. The horror! Even if you aren't scared of being glued to the seat, you should still beware of the Home Depot facilities. Those contractors really stink up the joint, plus they don't wash their hands after they complete their mission. In addition to that, Home Depot doesn't understand proper ventilation, so in every men's john, there is a big fan to circulate that wonderful "crap humidity" and odor. I wonder if you can catch something from all of that nastiness in the air.

Home Depot--you can get glued to our toilet seats and catch the bird flu in our restrooms--and we can help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referring to the contractor that was glued to the toilet, I know what he was going through. I used to be a dedicated driver for a carrier who had a shipper that was a millwork company. We delivered doors to all the Home Depot stores in Chicago, St.Louis, and Detroit. Even though Home Depot had loading docks, the driver was to tailgate the doors at ground level and most of the time they had night deliveries. Well, a lot of times, the receivers left me there inside the trailer for over an hour and I almost froze to death and my toes almost got frost bite. So, I understand what the contractor went through. He was lucky they did not leave him there all night.

But I still think it was the contractor`s fault ! He should of used one of those ass gaskets or toilet paper anyway, to insulate his hiney from the germs and ecoli of the toilet seat. I think that is just as disgusting as kissing a commercial beaver or lot lizard in a pickle park.

He reminds me of the movie, Saving Silverman when the coach went outside and took a dump in the front lawn and used the letters in the mail box to wipe his ass.

So, shame on the contractor for not protecting his ass and being an ass !

Friday, November 04, 2005 11:15:00 PM  

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