Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Religious Message From the Local Dairy Council

I spotted this dairy tanker while in traffic in O'Fallon, Illinois. I wasn't able to get a photo of the side which had the message even larger and spread out.

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Blogger Sun St. Louis Editorial Board said...

What was the question? What's my age again? Who's your daddy?
I'd like to go out and get a drink with you sometime.
Perhaps if I got you in to a rock show on April 18th at Cicero's, if I got you and your bride in to a 15$ rock show at Cicero's for free, and I showed the Anchondo to you, perhaps then we could have a drink. Perhaps Malle's would be a better place, or perhaps you could suggest one. I really would like to sit around and get drunk next to you talking about things. Perhaps it will be good and we may end up doing it regularly. -Sergio

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 4:05:00 AM  

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