Monday, January 15, 2007

STAR (Email SPAM Poetry)

I received the following in my inbox today, which slipped through my bulk email folder. Some of these are so thought provoking.

Started, star catcher, style insider train wrecks wacky, weird.
Four gawker gabsmash gallery absurd gilded moose give.
Whore tall glass milk towleroad tvgasm squad, twangville vip.
Arriving at, disney sound bytes, surreal life, getsreal jeff.
Format annoyingly perky today will go head?
Question, absolute punk antimusic, art.
Bennetts ordinary lovethe, hills, are.
Rees, love hewitts pooch prozac bennetts.
Excellent picks another promotes, forgets her, brainmiss.
Started, star catcher, style insider train wrecks wacky, weird.

I love how it opens and closes with the same thought. What is a "tvgasm" though?


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