Sunday, February 19, 2006

When Knorks Meet the Mafia...

My last blog discussed how I discovered that the Knork exists, but I had the same idea and a better marketing scheme. Yesterday I received a memo from the former wrestler I work with , which I share with the blogosphere on conditions of anonymoty. I'll quote it verbatim:

Some engineer geek at Cessna saw a prop shear off a prototype plane and slice through a cow in an adjacent pasture while trying to cut his roast beef at lunch with a plastic fork thus inspiring the knork, perfect balance, cutting ability etc. He immediately resigned and started Knork Industries. Being a geeky engineer though, he has no idea how to market the knork. The web site sucks and the testimonials are fake. This is where the Mafia steps in and convinces him that he needs a professional marketing team. There is still money to be made. There may not be a fountain with Greek goddesses but I can see a small pond with a spitting frog... and I know where we can get one cheap.

I see great management skills in this man, especially considering his background in sports entertainment. He may not be The Don, but he has a point. Why shall we give up because the Knork exists? And he is absolutely right about those testimonials...check out those fake grins. I suppose the Filipinos and the Italians may have to combine their forces for this one.


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