Wednesday, October 05, 2005

No, I Am Not Z107.7's $10,000 Fugitive

A disturbing thing happened to me today. I went to the opening festivities of the new Target #1515 in my 'hood, which I could have worked at, but we'll save that for a different blog. Anyway, as I mosied around the new, huge Target complex, I noticed a couple of teenage girls following me. Normally, I would take that as a good sign. Maybe they think I look like a celebrity, like Danny Devito. Now he is sexy. After the fourth different time I noticed them staring at me, they approached me and asked, "Are you the Z 107.7 $10,000 fugitive?" What could I say?

"Yes, and you're the winner," I said as I shook her limp hand. She really looked like she was going to faint. When she asked if I was serious, I had to say no. I didn't even know what the hell she was talking about. I don't listen to that pop music kids listen to these days, and Z 107.7FM is YOUR HIT MUSIC STATION in St. Louis.

Well, they walked away disappointed, and I was left puzzled. I think I would rather have them think I was Danny Devito. He made a great Penguin, and I kind of sound like the Penguin.

A few minutes later, an older woman ran up to me and asked, "Are you the Z 107.7 $10,000 fugitive?" I snapped back with a quick, "NO!"

Has the whole world gone mad??!

Damn, stupid radio promotions can really mess with people's heads. And then they have to mess with mine. Bastards. Save me Danny Devito.


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