Monday, September 12, 2005

Goodbye Mr. Brown, Hello Jack Hanna

Finally, news I like to hear. A day after I blog about him leaving the devastation in New Orleans for Washington, FEMA chief Mike Brown, went ahead and stepped down a good boy...putting himself in the corner. I only hope his replacement has more experience dealing with people, and people in emergency situations especially. Although, maybe it would be cool to have someone like Jack Hanna as director of FEMA. He can deal with all kinds of animals that he brings on Good Morning America and The Late Show with David Letterman, so I guess he could deal with a catastrophe the size of say, Hurricane Katrina. His experience with wild orangutans, reptiles, and birds is close enough to that of a category five hurricane, that I think he would be a fine choice. So Jack Hanna, you have my vote to lead our federal emergency management into the future.


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