Thursday, September 08, 2005

If Only We All Had Employers Like the Catholic Church

I discovered a disturbing article on the cover of yesterday's St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Metro section. "Church posts bond for convicted priest" read the headline, which is enough to piss me off, but I read on.

Using ten checks with values ranging from $10000 to $350000, church officials posted bond for the Rev. Thomas Graham on the same afternoon that jurors recommended that Graham spend 20 years in prison for performing oral sex on the boy in the late 1970s, court records show.

The Archdiocese defends the move with excuses of exhausting all appeal opportunities. I really wish I could have a job that supports me after I am convicted of a crime, not even taking in to account the horrible nature of this crime. And he did it on company time.

The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests criticized the move by the church. That makes perfect sense. The SNAP victim outreach coordinator, Barbara Dorris, pretty much said the money is going straight from the collection plate to defending these nut job priests (pun intended). I don't know that for sure, but you wonder where all of the defense money comes from and the payoff money to victims. For a job that pays little, these guys have a lot of money to toss around.

Is this why my Catholic grade school didn't have air conditioning? Was the money that they were even collecting from the grade school children's small envelopes being put into legal defense funds, just in case the altar boys started coming out of the woodwork???! And the Catholic Church is always asking for money. They got their Bingo, Arts and Crafts Fairs, School Picnics, Homecomings, Flea name it. Where does the money go? They should really share that with their congregation. Meanwhile I am going to go rob an old lady. It's nowhere near molesting a little kid, and I am pretty sure my job will cover my legal fees.


Blogger pansyjoan said...

Stumbled on to your blog. I like it. Keep the faith & keep up the good fight. Joan

Thursday, September 08, 2005 6:44:00 PM  

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