Sunday, January 07, 2007

Best License Plate I've Seen

I hear a lot of folks say personalized plates are dumb because they make no sense, but isn't the fun in wondering? The obvious plates are fun too, like the mom of a high school classmate with a "666" plate. This was especially amusing considering it was a Catholic high school we attended. It also made me think of the fact that it is the only "666" plate in the state, so she must have felt special when it was available.

My plates say "DIABTO", which is of course in reference to my Diabetoboy moniker. It's fun to have folks guess at its meaning or ask me about them.

Before we hit the road to Jesusland last year, the Filipinos of the IRS and I spotted these plates in a grocery store parking lot.

I later saw the same vehicle in transit while bar hopping with friends one night. We tried to snap a photo to no avail, but I did remember this photo which I snapped on my phone upon the first sighting. Does it help that it belongs to an older handicapped woman? I think so.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to Jesusland, Jesusland, P. B. Mizz ur eee... in February, to clean the rodent pee.....

Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:57:00 PM  

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